pain 8 weeks after rotator cuff surgery

Pain medications. I had a full thickness tear of my subscap, full tear of my labrum and a partial tear of my supra. I am still using ice 80 percent of the time, and wake up during the night with some discomfort. Relationships And Intimacy: When Is It Safe To Resume Sexual Activity After A Heart Attack? The first week after your rotator cuff surgery will be spent controlling pain symptoms and resting. There may also be some swelling, redness and tenderness around the incision area. Rotator Cuff Post Surgery (8 Weeks) - External Rotation Exercise SportsMD 2.03K subscribers Subscribe 28 Share Save 10K views 5 years ago Get detailed instructions on External Rotation post. Expect some shoulder pain and swelling a few weeks after rotator cuff surgery. I feel like my first was easier. Gretna, LA 70056, (504) 370-1733 Generally it is recommended that you can return to driving 6-8 weeks after your surgery. I also noticed what feels like a couple of small muscular knots on both my bicep and my tricep muscles and both knots are located about 2.5" equidistant below the shoulder that was operated upon. Week 2: Bandages can be removed 2 weeks after an arthroscopic procedure. I will try to be more active! The pillow attached to the sling holds your arm away from your body. It was followed by a pain bounce on D1 and D2 and did not return to a level significantly lower than its preoperative value until D30. There may also be some swelling, redness and tenderness around the incision area. I also dont have any muscular pain when I move the arm in any way so I dont think there are any other tendon tears present. over a year ago. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. Before R rotator cuff surgery, I was swimming the crawl and the back stroke 3 times a week (a mile each time). . Read our editorial policy. The information contained on this site is intended to provide only general education. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. In this article, youll learn about factors that can affect how long you will be in pain after rotator cuff surgery. Also I have heard recently about stem cell repair. Thanks to everyone here that let me unload and offered me tons of sympathy! Asymptomatic rotator cuff tears. In other words, you should really feel the effort with each set of exercises and should really not be able to do more than 12 each time around. According to my PT, it now appears that I'm suffering from frozen shoulder. If the surgeon uses hardware techniques, a person will need to avoid biceps tension for 4-6 weeks. I am post 10 weeks fron rotator cuff. If a return to athletics is desired, sport-specific exercises for throwing may also be introduced during this stage. 2019;7(6):e9. Thank you all in advance for any thoughts you may have on my issue. Unfortunately, many patients feel that the use of drugs to lessen their pain is a mistake, that because the medications are addictive, they will become "hooked" and unable to stop taking the drugs. This will allow you to also start to use your arm during normal daily activities like brushing your teeth, dressing or holding a cup of tea. Under my armpit, my wing bone, my upper shoulder near my neck, anywhere that was sore I did it every two hours all day. Pain radiating down the arm after shoulder surgery can and does occur. Repeat with the other arm. This allows them to access the area that needs repairing. To get the best results, you need to do the exercises correctly and as often and for as long as your doctor . Everybody told me itll be 12 months to 14 months to heal. The content on this website is informational only and not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The first 2 to 5 weeks were the worst . Although your personal recovery will vary a bit based on the extent of the tear that is being corrected, heres a general look at the recovery timeline for different types of rotator cuff tears. 6 Types Of Exercise That Help Arthritis Patients Ease Joint Pain, Swelling, And Stiffness. Does Frozen Shoulder Sound Familiar To You? Our physical therapists at Rehab Access can help you in your recovery journey. I dpn't start pt until next week, but I do my passive pt at home. Make sure to keep up with gentle exercise and . The decreased trauma caused by arthroscopic surgery can translate into faster recovery times. So if you want to trust your rotator cuff operation to a skilled surgeon who will be by your side every step of your recovery, reach out to Dr. Holloway and his team today at (865) 410-7887. You have had an operation that means that you have had to be careful to make sure that you recover properly. First Week Post-Surgery. Recovery Timeline After Rotator Cuff Surgery Although your personal recovery will vary a bit based on the extent of the tear that is being corrected, here's a general look at the recovery timeline for different types of rotator cuff tears. JBJS Rev. Around 7 to 8 weeks most patients begin strengthening exercises using weights or resisted bands. Now that 6 weeks have passed since your operation, an important part of your rehabilitation is allowing your shoulder to get used to gravity/normal demands of home life, therefore you can stop using the sling. Im extremely fortunate. Unfortunately, just because you have passed the 6 week mark since your surgery, it doesnt simply mean that your pain will stop, your movement will return and you will be able to use your shoulder normally straight away. , or pre-hab, is a type of physical therapy. But, I still hurt. That said, there are certain specific symptoms and situations where a rotator cuff repair surgery may be warranted. All rights reserved. Hi people - i literally can feel your pain . Even more important, you can start seeing us before or after surgery if. This can happen as a result of wear and tear over time or after a traumatic injury. If you feel that you want to wean yourself off your sling rather than just stop using it, try spending an hour out of it on one day and then 2 hours out of it the following day and so on. The longer you wait for a bicep repair, the harder the recovery is. I figured I would put up a positive post on how I am doing. Tim Petrie, DPT, OCS, is a board-certified orthopedic specialist who has practiced as a physical therapist for more than a decade. This article will give you options and ideas on pain management after rotator cuff surgery. If this degeneration becomes severe enough, or you suffer an acute injury to your shoulder, your physician may recommend that you undergo surgery to address the tears to the rotator cuff. I am 66. I have an appointment with my surgeon for Thursday. Often, people who have had rotator cuff repair surgery will have had shoulder issues for some time before their surgery. You may want to check your medical reports to see if you have any other tendon issues too. Do's after Rotator cuff surgery: Move your fingers and thumbs in and out of your fist 5-10 times an hour. over a year ago. In fact, gentle movement can help promote blood flow and healing in the area, so physical therapy will start well before the tendon has fully healed to the bone. My suggestion is to bear with the pain, if you push through it your mobility will return. Among the greatest concerns with a rotator cuff . Your provider may also suggest that you take an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling. I still have a dark shadow in my bicep where I bruised and bled into insane considering its been 8 weeksI don't see PT is helping me make any progress my arm is getting tighter with PT not looseranyone got answers or a miracle cause right now if someone said smear peanut butter on my face and whistle when the saints go marching in cure me Id give it a try. Pain medication can help you heal faster, stronger, and better. The first doctor's follow-up will then see some modification of dosing of pain medicines, with variability depending on the demands of physical therapy. While in PT, your rehab is commonly divided into several distinct phases: Early on after surgery, the main goal of therapy is to slowly advance your shoulders range of motion while protecting the surgical repair. over a year ago, Guest By numbing the feeling, the brain does not overreact by sending the body into shock, and also does not cause the patient to feel stressed. I had rotator cuff surgery 8 weeks agoI had massive swelling and bleeding first three days soaking through 2bath towels3 some days I resolved that with a lot of ice and pressure dressing then a infection started in the sutures ,I did okay up till 4 weeks ago handling the pain .started Pt which was hard but I expected ..I started having more pain. I was taking Jacuzzis twice a day and icing off & on all day as much as I could. e:, Gretna Also have pain radiating to fingers and a 90% loss of grip. However, in some circumstances, the injury or condition affecting your shoulder is too severe for physical therapy alone, meaning surgery is required. 9 weeks after rotator cuff surgery. During the healing process the repaired . A partial or complete rotator cuff tear makes it difficult to raise and move your arm. You should check with your surgeon or your physical therapist. We can perform a free screening that can narrow down how long your pain could last. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in These incisions are the primary reason you are in pain after your procedure. 8 hours ago, Imamom said: I have a cruise scheduled for next week and will be at 9 weeks post op for right rotator cuff/bicep repair. The bursa is somewhat inflamed and that's about it. It is each individuals responsibility to ensure they are fit to drive. When the rotator cuff gets hurt, physical therapy can help manage the pain and help you recover and regain the use of your arm. Generally it is recommended that you can return to driving 6-8 weeks after your surgery. For instance, a stiff wrist joint would make it much harder to turn a doorknob. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in Once the pain is under control, you will be able to resume most normal activities. as being in breach of those terms. The cause of radiating arm pain can arise from the one of many sources: inappropriate or prolonged positioning, cervical injury or aggravation, and hematoma. However, it may take up to a year to achieve maximum improvement in shoulder . Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. All rights reserved. Gary Bohon Active range of motion (AROM) activities will begin 5 to 6 weeks after surgery. Use of the forums is subject to our Terms of Use I had surgery 8 months ago on my shoulder and was hoping to be starting to be close to pain free and getting back to normal activities but am still having pain. Youll visit your physical therapist on a regular schedule, and theyll also give you some home-based exercises to complete during the course of your recovery. Pain medication slows your reaction, and impairs your judgement. We can also help you get care from home thanks to our, . Rotator cuff repair surgery typically is done as an outpatient procedure through a minimally invasive, or arthroscopic, approach. Yikes. At four to six weeks, we typically resume anti-inflammatory medication to reduce inflammation and stiffness. It's nine weeks exactly that I had the surgery for my Rt rotator cuff, I had calcium deposits that had to be removed & I had a 95% tear that needed to be cleaned up and anchored. Is it normal to have days of interment throbbing/ pain in the shoulder and across the back of the neck after rotator cuff surgery. How to avoid 2 most common tennis injuries? Finally, you'll work on initial strengthening and eventually weight-bearing strengthening until you get back to normal levels of movement. respect of any healthcare matters. did you ever get an answer to your question? "We have people experiment with them both to see which helps more . Ditto on all 8 points here. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. In fact, one study reported that up to 46% of the general population may have a rotator cuff tear on imaging, despite not complaining of any pain or weakness. 4. In todays blog, we take a closer look at what rehabilitation from rotator cuff surgery encompasses. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified That being said, I recognize my story can be of use and powerful, and very . Cosmetic Ear Surgery (Otoplasty): Procedure, Risks, Recovery, and Cost, A Practical List of Natural Blood Thinners, Better Choices For Hip Surgery - And Faster Healing And Recovery. Those patients with poor rotator cuff tissue integrity, tear of 2 Each exercise should be completed between 8-12 times (or repetitions) for 3 to 4 sets. It is worth thinking along the terms of weeks into months for your recovery, therefore being kind and patient with yourself and your shoulder is a really important part of your recovery. Its nine weeks exactly that I had the surgery for my Rt rotator cuff, I had calcium deposits that had to be removed & I had a 95% tear that needed to be cleaned up and anchored. 4 years ago, Thank you for sharing. It's estimated that U.S. surgeons perform more than 460,000 rotator cuff surgeries per year. You likely will get a prescription for pain narcotics after surgery. Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. . It can take weeks or even months to heal an injured rotator cuff. There is a small labral tear inside the labrum and they won't do anything about that. Shoulder weakness after an acute injury or fall. I had surgery to my right shoulder 4 weeks ago and am already feeling the benefit. I first had cuffsurgery to my left shoulder in October last year and am now totallypain free, which is just the best thing in the world compared to the pain before the op. I tore this rotator originally about 10 years ago. Wondering how long your pain will last after your surgery? There is absolutely no reason to not take them, unless advised by a medical professional. . over a year ago, guest But the arm pain seems untypical and is in addition to the shoulder pain. I've been folowing this thread for a while now as I thought it might help to give some good advice on recovering from myshoulder surgery (rotator cuff). I did not start PT until about 3-weeks after my surgery, and even then, was only doing light stretching to about 90 degrees flexion. Additionally, our physical therapists are adept at creating post-surgical rehab plans designed to decrease pain as fast as possible. This muscular group surrounds the head of the humerus (the ball-shaped top of the arm bone) and helps to elevate and rotate your shoulder. Pulling type pain is normal, just sharp searing pain is no good. Recovering from a rotator cuff repair requires both persistence and patience. You may be prescribed drugs to help with pain relief. You may have shoulder pain and arm weakness. Lifting can irritate and cause inflammation in your muscles. Immediate postoperative pain was less than preoperative pain. The function of pain medication after rotator cuff surgery is to limit the brain from feeling the pain from the incision and from the operating area. I also noticed what feels like a couple of small muscular knots on both my bicep and my tricep muscles and both knots are located about 2.5" equidistant below the shoulder that was operated upon. My Dr has talked about an MRI post surgery since my pain is still so strong. Rotator cuff tendinitis without a cuff tear normally does not require surgery, and treatment as described above is usually enough to cure the inflammation. I do know I have a bone spur on my acromion bone, the Dr calls it "thickening". Physical Therapy After Rotator Cuff Surgery: What to Expect. Registered in England and Wales. Some of the ways pre-hab meets this goal include: Having you do therapeutic exercises to strengthen and stretch your shoulder. If you think you may have a medical emergency or a major medical problem, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Step-by-step directions Relax your shoulders and gently pull one arm across your chest as far as possible, holding at your upper arm. Sessions of physical therapy can be quite painful, and the patient needs to be prepared for this going in. Posted 4 years ago, 5 users are following. Return to physical/manual work after 4-6 months (dependent on pain levels/movement etc.) This article will review this procedure and the physical therapy needed after the surgery to aid recovery, regain strength, and restore the full range of motion in your shoulder. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? Gradually, there will be less pain. You can start swimming again with a gentle modified stroke from 8-10 weeks. Location: Southeast, US. 2019 While genetics play a factor and some people may recover quickly despite their age, patient age may correlate to slowed recovery time. It can often be performed arthroscopically, with only a small two-inch incision for larger instruments as needed. I had rotator surgery 11 weeks ago and still have alot of pain have been doing light exercises so shoulder does not lock up-called doctor today to see if he wanted another x-ray- put i quess ill just suck it up and live with pain untill it heals- had 6 surgerys w/inplants in c2/l2 front and back and then this in last 7 yrs. When appropriate, non-surgical treatment may be the first line of defense, but our physicians will also inform you when surgery is needed. clicking and popping after shoulder surgery, rotator cuff and bicep tendon repair to right shoulder, second time, 4 weeks after rotator cuff surgery, My shoulder finally loosened up and less pain, Help!!! Im extremely fortunate. It is also one of the most painful procedures post op. Our team at Arrow Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation offers top-notch, for people who have had rotator cuff surgery. Hes got pictures autographed all over his office. He said he didnt know how bad the tear would be until he got in there. By Tim Petrie, DPT, OCS I still do cervical exercises for my neck pain which is caused by trying to lift a stiff shoulder that doesn't want to lift by itself. I just got out of sling at week 9. Through pain management, physical therapy, and exercise, the injury should recover within 4-6 months. Arm is numb from above elbow to fingertips and have stabbing pain in shoulder and outer bicep. Union, NJ 07083 While there is very little research about shoulder injuries and sleeping positions, 5 Holdaway LA, Hegmann KT, Thiese MS, Kapellusch J. I mentioned some of these blogs to my physioterrorist and she replied that there is often long term pain associated with delayed physio following a cuff repair, including frozen shoulders. Lying flat on your back puts pressure on your upper extremities that can cause pain and inflammation. Rehabilitation Posts: 2. Not every rotator cuff tear needs to be repaired. It seems that if you have torn one shoulder tendon that it might not be so uncommon for other tendons around the area to be in a bit of trouble too if they compensating for the torn tendon before the surgery. 8397 Highway 23 #101 Immediately Post-Op The function of pain medication after rotator cuff surgery is to limit the brain from feeling the pain from the incision and from the operating area. What's The Turkish Get-Up Good For? I do a pedulam swing (very tine circles) and it feels like my shoulder is going to dislocate. Allows them to access the area that needs repairing arthroscopic procedure cuff tear makes difficult... An answer to your question and Intimacy: when is it Safe to Resume Sexual Activity after a Heart?. Them, unless advised by a medical emergency or a major medical problem, call your doctor to year. Set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance and outer bicep as a physical therapist to. 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