Campaigns, Environment, News, Other TWA news, Political prisoners

Release anti-corruption and environmental activist A-nya Sengdra from unjust imprisonment.

Ananya is an activist who mobilizes local nomads and carries out campaigns against government corruption and environmental destruction in his hometown (Kyangche). Anya Sengdra was arrested in December 2019 and sentenced to seven years in prison on false charges related to his peaceful activism as an environmentalist and community leader. CHARGE (gathering people to disturb public order) and making two we chat groups with words including “anti-corruption and environmental protection”

A-nya Sengdra was waiting for his appeal, which was due on April 27, 2020, but the hearing was postponed, and there is no information on a new date. We strongly criticize the unfair block of the A-nya Sengdra appeal by the Chinese government. A-nya Sengdra was treated so badly in prison, and his health condition was worse in both physical and mental terms. He was in very poor health. This kind of situation totally violates human rights. We want the Chinese government to drop his false accusation and his sentence. He should be free.

# A-nya Sengdra Must be released immediately