
TWA central President Mrs. Dolma Yangchen and Joint Secretary Mrs. Dolma Tsering toured the four major Tibetan settlement.

TWA central President Mrs. Dolma Yangchen and Joint Secretary Mrs. Dolma Tsering toured the four major Tibetan settlement, South for the Animal Mercy released Program with the hope and devotion to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama to live a healthier and longer life to benefit all the sentient beings. RTWA executive members of the following regional chapters contributed well to this program. Each settlement i.e, Bylakuppe (Lugsum and Dekyiling), Mundgod, Hunsur, Kollegal are provided four cows.
TWA Central would like to thank sincerely all the Regional Chapters and Donors for their generous contribution towards this important program. We also express our gratitude to Tibetan Settlement officers for their support.